Lisa Michelle Axelrod

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Name Lisa Michelle Axelrod
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Lisa Michelle Axelrod is an American born actress best known for her roles in blockbuster films and music videos of the 1980’s. Her career was cut short after a tragic car accident on Mothers Day 1989, a month before her college graduation and the premiere of “Roadhouse” for MGM. While in recovery, her fiance passed away from pancreatic cancer compelling Lisa to take a hiatus from the business in order to spiritually regroup in Hawaii. After returning to Los Angeles in 2008 Lisa completed her Master’s Degree in Psychology at Pepperdine University and is now working toward her Media Psychology PhD in Miami, Florida where she resides with a rescue Chihuahua mix named George Lucas. Lisa dedicates her spare time mentoring women on her non-profit advisory board, participating in community based art projects and advocating for environmental justice within the state of Florida.


  • Birthname: Lisa Michelle Axelrod
  • Born: September 23, 1967
  • Born Place: Shaker Height, Ohio, USA
  • Lisa Michelle Axelrod Keywords
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