Olivia Newton-John

Olivia Newton-John phone number

Name Olivia Newton-John
Phone Olivia Newton-John Phone Number
Email ID Olivia Newton-John Email ID
Address Olivia Newton-JohnHome Address
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Actress/singer Olivia Newton-John was born on September 26, 1948, in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England. She lived there until she was five years old, and her family relocated to Australia when her father was offered a job as the dean of a college in Melbourne. When she was a teen she returned to live in England with her mother, after winning a singing talent contest. She had many hit singles and appeared on TV series with Cliff Richard as well as in the film Toomorrow (1970). For a while she was engaged to Bruce Welch, a member of The Shadows, who backed Richard.

Olivia took the advice of a friend, and in the mid-’70s left Britain to take up residence in America to help further her singing career.


  • Born: September 26, 1948
  • Born Place: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England, UK
  • Height: 5' 6" (1.68 m)
  • Olivia Newton-John Keywords
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